RPI Roofing Sample Basic Calculator. By using WP Mobile Detect plugin you can display a 1000px version on desktops/tablets and 700px version on Cell Phones. The cell phone version is compatible with device screen width pinch and expand. Short Code Compatible In Visual Editors.
Sample Terms Of Use & Disclaimer
This free roof cost calculator was designed to provide a rough price for your roofing project. This can be useful for developing preliminary budget prices and should not be used to determine a final actual cost. Items such as job size, job location, building access, building height and actual scope of work may have a substantial impact on the cost. Estimated prices do not include the cost of any permits or taxes that may apply to your project. It is strongly recommended that you contact a Licensed Roofing Contractor for an accurate, and complete, written roof estimate. (Insert Your Company Name) and the software developer BG Services AZ assume no liability for the accuracy of this calculator.
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